What the hell?

Big news broke last week about sex, drugs and offshore drilling. It turns out that big oil companies like Chevron and Shell have been giving and getting a lot more than sweetheart deals from the Department of Interior.

The AP reported, “Employees [of DOI] frequently consumed alcohol at industry functions, had used cocaine and marijuana, and had sexual relationships with oil and natural gas company representatives, who referred to some of the government workers as the ‘MMS Chicks.'”

To state that oil companies and DOI are “cozy” is now a gross (and disgusting) understatement. With most scientists and industry experts already in agreement that new domestic drilling will have little impact on rising oil prices in the foreseeable future, this breaking story really calls into question the motivation of oil companies.

It seems to me that they are selfishly taking advantage of this fuel crunch to open up new lands for drilling. If we are serious about reducing fuel costs, why don’t we start subsidizing renewable energy technology, rather than these oil companies who are already estimated to make $40 billion in profits this year, AND are now involved in enormous ethical and illegal breaches?

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